How to upgrade PostgreSQL with Homebrew



If you’ve just upgraded Postgres with Homebrew, and Postgres won’t start, as long as you don’t care about any data stored locally, remove all versions of Postgres:

brew remove --force postgresql

You might have to specify a version if you used one of the @ version numbers, such as Postgres 14:

brew remove --force postgresql@14

Delete the Postgres folders:

rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgres/
rm -rf /usr/local/var/postgresql@14/

If you’re on an Apple Silicon Mac, delete these folders:

rm -rf /opt/homebrew/var/postgres
rm -rf /opt/homebrew/var/postgresql@14

Reinstall Postgres:

brew install postgresql@14

Fire it up:

brew services start postgresql@14

Verify that it’s running:

brew services list

The Long Version

I’m currently doing some Rails consulting for a company that uses Postgres in their app. After cloning the app to my computer, I wanted to make sure I had the latest version of Postgres.

Before installing or upgrading anything with Homebrew, I always run these two commands first:

$ brew update
$ brew doctor

Once I know everything is up to date and firing on all cylinders, I can get my installs on. In this case, I wanted to upgrade everything I had ever installed with Homebrew. Mainly because I hadn’t used my iMac for a few months while I was in San Francisco for the Code for America fellowship.

$ brew upgrade

After everything was up to date, I tried to install the DB in the Rails app:

$ rake db:create

That failed with this error message:

could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

could not connect to server: Connection refused
Is the server running on host "localhost" (fe80::1) and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

The next step was to read through Homebrew’s notes about Postgres:

$ brew info postgres

I noticed the following:

If builds of PostgreSQL 9 are failing and you have version 8.x installed, you may need
to remove the previous version first.

Although I didn’t have any 8.x versions installed, I decided to remove Postgres and uninstall it since I didn’t have any local data that I cared about:

$ brew remove postgresql

This only uninstalled 9.3.2 (the latest version), but I knew I had three other versions by looking in /usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/. I wanted to remove them all to start with a clean slate, and Homebrew was helpful enough to let me know how to do it after I tried to run the previous command a second time:

$ brew remove postgresql
Error: postgresql has multiple installed versions
Use `brew remove --force postgresql` to remove all versions

I followed those instructions and successfully uninstalled all versions of Postgres:

$ brew install postgresql

I still couldn’t launch Postgres :(

After some digging around, I came across this comment in one of the Homebrew issues on GitHub. This pointed me in the right direction by mentioning the /usr/local/var/postgres folder. After uninstalling Postgres one last time, I simply deleted the /usr/local/var/postgres folder since I didn’t have any Postgres data worth preserving.

Then I reinstalled Postgres and was finally able to launch it like so:

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/homebrew.mxcl.postgresql.plist

I didn’t want to see anyone else waste time trying to figure this out, so I wrote this up for you.